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Donate Today!

Why Donate?

When you donate to The Providence on Southmore, Inc. you help to ensure that the students that we serve have access to services that are germane to their success as college students. We work to ensure that students are equipped to face the daily decisions that are encountered as they navigate the path to college degrees. Many students face seemingly insurmountable challenges that prolong or thwart their degree completion. The students participating in our Student Support Program receive the following:

The Providence on Southmore, Inc. staff members will match students with professionals that will serve as mentors that will direct their decision making as it relates to their area of professional interest. Mentors will commit to working with the matched student for the duration of the five-year program.
Students will have access to a life coach on a weekly basis to address the social issues (past/present) that exist and stand to hinder their goals. Students will gain and/or improve life-skills that will be instrumental in ensuring that optimal decisions are made to promote their success. We incorporate what we call a "first-things- first" approach to priorities in which students are helped to focus on the most important need (education) to get to what they want (security/material).
Academic assistance (tutorials) will be available to students to ensure that they are able to meet the demands of a full-time student. Individualized attention will be given to students by tutors to maximize their academic experience and to ensure that students maintain their schedule for completion.

An integral part of the program will be partnerships with local corporations in an effort to equip students with internships that will increase their employability upon graduation. Students will form relationships and gain experience in their areas of interest to build their networking capabilities.

In an effort to develop meaningful and positive connections with the community, volunteerships will be established. Students will select organizations to serve over the course of a twelve month period and will commit to one day per week.

Your tax-deductible donation will help to ensure that our participants have every opportunity to be successful in a world that is competing for their attention.  

T.P.O.S. Letter of Determination (click to download)
EIN # 46-0820435

Contact us

  • The Providence on Southmore, Inc.
  • Phone: 713.492.7006
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.